
So it’s a pretty common occurrence to have fear about our kids. When they are little it’s usually around them being safe or not getting hurt. When they go to school it can be around a range of things – will they have friends, are people being nice to them, are they happy, will they fit in (I could literally fill this page with heaps of fears). Then when they are grown the fears may still be there – when they are driving, what time are they coming home, are they safe.

Fear can be quite time consuming, not to mention bad for our stress levels and health.

Here are a couple of great scriptures to say to yourself when fear comes – 2 Timothy 1:7 reads, “For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control.” 1 John 4:18a reads, “Perfect love drives out fear.”

Knowing we are loved by the God of the universe will help us trust Him to take care of our precious kids.

When launching our kids for life we don’t want them to grow up fearful, so we must start by modelling how we deal with fear.



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